The Miraculous Spring
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Conscious Completion

This is Katherine Woodward Thomas’ most recent transformational course, which she calls Conscious Uncoupling.  A bad breakup, from mild to severe, causes needless and unnecessary suffering and heartache. It can be one of the most traumatic experiences you will ever go through. And that’s because a bad breakup means not only that you have broken your heart. It often means that you have had to break up your family, your home, and everything that you and your partner planned for together in the future. It can turn your whole world inside out. And breakups are one of the most underrated and undertreated traumas you will ever go through. All heartaches need some kind of treatment, and the greatest tragedy of all is that most have gone untreated for far too long. In order to properly complete this, you must heal your broken heart with the same loving care that you would for anything else that was broken in your body.

The Three Most Common Breakup Mistakes:

1) To start to hate the person you once loved;

Many call this a relic from the past, which enables us to break away from the person who once was our beloved. In the process it creates a great deal of unnecessary suffering and, if mishandled, it can “take you out.”

2) Failing to take responsibility for all of the ways you colluded with this breakup;

The way we are telling the story is usually incomplete and inaccurate but, the fact remains that all blame and shame stunts development. See where you held some responsibility and own it. Your mission is to reclaim you power and your life and vow to never do this again.

3) Buy into the myth that time heals all wounds.

You can only begin to change your life by understanding the relationship’s role in your development and learning the lessons of what you want and what you need. It’s important to realize that your next love relationship doesn’t begin when you meet your next partner. It begins today with how you say goodbye to the person you’re with—even if that relationship ended months or years ago.

The Launching of a New 5-Week (5-Session) Program on Conscious Completion

Learn how to implement the Conscious Completion of your relationship in a kind, peaceful, and loving way. Discover how to heal your grief and release any shame, as you understand its significance within our larger collective story of love, relationship, and our belief in (“until death do us part”) marriage.  Engage in a delightful and new narrative that lights you up and leads you forward with power and possibility. Create new agreements, structures, and rituals that allow you to flourish and thrive in love. To the extent possible, liberate everyone affected by this breakup.

Session 1:  Finding Emotional Freedom
Leave behind forever the disappointing breakups and awaken to a deeper meaning for your old beliefs and pain. Reveal your most crucial opportunities for transformation and evolution. Liberate yourself from toxic judgments and create a safe and powerful container to release and transform any trauma you may be experiencing right now.
Session 2:  Reclaiming Your Power and Your Life
Release any patterns of people pleasing and powerfully stand to reclaim your true value. Begin to align your actions with the truth of your worthiness to love and be loved. Rid yourself of old resentments so that you are ready when new love is ready for you.
Session 3:  Breaking the Pattern, Healing Your Heart

Identify the beliefs that have been generating your old story and be empowered to graduate from this time forward to a narrative of healthy love. Have a deeply embodied experience of the new you, and fall totally in love with yourself!

Session 4:  Becoming a Love Alchemist

Engage specific rituals that will help you to release any negative karma to make way for healthy love in your future. Add powerful skills to your communication toolkit to help you create happy and empowered relationships. Harvest the gold from this experience so that your future relationships can thrive.

Session 5: Creating Your Happily Even After Life
Create a beautiful Conscious Completion ritual that liberates and empowers you and all who were affected by this uncoupling. Learn to create a “Kindness Contract” with your former partner, along with new agreements with family and friends. Open the floodgates to attract a healthy, happy new love!

This Conscious Completion course is designed to lead you to step into the highest and best vision for yourself. It will be grounded in your most powerful vision for your life and then into a new and different kind of love…one that is built to last!


The cost for this Introductory Session plus five weekly sessions is $900 for the six 90-minute sessions. If you wish to have more time to take on this course, we can do one Introductory Session and ten 75 minute weekly sessions for $1,300. (There is also an additional fee to access the online materials of “Conscious Uncoupling” you will need for this course.)

Call me now to inquire about a free 20 minute coaching session with me at (774) 264-9492 or send me a message.

Conscious Completion Testimonials


I want to thank Gayle from the bottom of my heart for all you have done—and I have done for me—since we met. Having experienced quite a shattering breakup with my ex-husband of almost 30 years, I have come a long way. I am managing my life for me and for my five children (ages 14-30) well.  I am doing more things on my own and now I have a good strong sense of who I am. My “negative periods” are so much shorter, and the “positive” ones return quickly. I believe I will find a “real love” for me. Life is so much freer! 
Jill S., Shelburne, VT


Gayle was like a “personal trainer” for my heart. From the very first session, I knew that she was guiding me to healing. The transformational changes in my life came together from her powerful presence and the Conscious Uncoupling program—all of which led me to my authentic and true essence. 
-Brenda, Wilmington, NC

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